Marriage Counseling & Couples Therapy
Sometimes, marriages and relationships start to incrementally drift apart. This drift is often unnoticeable in the moment. It's not until you're in the midst of a strained marriage or relationship and looking back that you can notice the drift.
In times like this, parenting a teen or young adult who is struggling with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, ADHD/ADD, substance abuse or other struggles can increase the pace of that drift. Tension in a marriage or relationship can increase significantly due to the stress of doing everything in your power to help your teen or young adult.
Other times, a spouse or partner has taken action that has betrayed your trust. The hurt, feelings of isolation, or feeling of "not being enough" for them create a divide in your relationship.
You may not feel that leaving is an option as you are also thinking about the impact on your children or teens. You feel stuck and you feel like you're sinking.
For some time now, you observe that you are simply living with each other and less time loving each other.
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Parenting Struggling Teens or Young Adults & the Impact on a Marriage or Relationship
We see couples in marriage counseling or couples therapy as we work with teens and young adults who are struggling with things like:
School Refusal
Parenting a teenager or young adult can be a challenge. Parenting a teenager or young adult with emotional or behavioral challenges can, at times, feel all-consuming or overwhelming. Teen therapy and counseling for young adults can help and the marriage or relationship may need support as well.
As individuals, we all have our own parenting style. This style is frequently based on how we were parented (or were not parented). As a couple, sometimes parenting styles clash.
Both parents are fully committed to doing everything in the power to help their teen or young adult. There is also an added emotional component as both parent's heart's ache watching their teenager or young adult struggle. This adds more urgency and emphasis on parenting to help them overcome the struggles.
It is not uncommon for the stress and strain of parenting a struggling teen or young adult to affect the marriage or relationship. Both parents try to hold on for the good of their teen or young adult.
Holding on is a good strategy in the short term. Yet the longer this strategy is employed, the more the marriage or relationship tends to be impacted. And his is where we can help.
Signs of a Marriage or Relationship Under Strain
Sometimes, it's only by taking a step back and observing your marriage or relationship that you can see the effect of the incremental drift over time. This can happen so gradually and small drifts can eventually add up to large gulfs.
Sometimes, a big event causes the disruption or strain on a marriage. Infidelity is one such example. Infidelity counseling can help you and your spouse or partner through a complex dynamic or healing from a spouse or partner who was unfaithful. An infidelity therapist can help your relationship regain the foundations of trust and heal from the wounds created by infidelity.
As you take a step back to observe your marriage or relationship, you may find:
You and your spouse or partner are arguing and divided on parenting your teen or young adult who is struggling with substance abuse, ADHD/ADD, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, etc.
You try to communicate with your spouse or partner only to have it turn to arguing or blame and avoiding the subject of your relationship.
Longing for the emotional connection that used to be there but seems to have faded or disappeared.
Missing the physical intimacy that you used to enjoy as a couple.
Wishing that you could trust your spouse or partner and feeling angry that you can't.
You find yourself spending more hours at work or other activities as you feel there is little at home for you.
You try to communicate with your partner but nothing seems to change or it ends up in in blame or avoiding the issues.
The Numbers Are on Your Side: Hope for Marriages & Couples
Many of us grew up believing the statistic that over 50% of marriages end in divorce. Yet, according to the United States Census Bureau, divorce rates have dropped. Divorce rates in the U.S. fell from 9.7 new divorces per 1,000 women age 15 and over in 2009 to 7.6 in 2019.
The Journal of Marriage and Family Counseling has shown that marriage counseling and couples therapy positively impacts 70% of couples who patriciate in marriage counseling or couples therapy.
And, according to the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy:
Over 98% of couples who have attended marriage counseling sessions reported that they received good or excellent therapy.
Over 97% of those surveyed said they got the help they needed.
After working with a marriage counselor, couples therapist, or family therapist, 93% of the couples surveyed said they had more effective tools for dealing with their problems.
Marriage Counseling & Couples Therapy Can Work For You Too
Marriage counseling or couples therapy often works faster than individual therapy alone. We find to be the case that marriage counseling or couples therapy usually is effective in a third of the sessions that individual therapy requires.
We have helped other couples work through what to them in the moment felt like insurmountable obstacles. As we help you open lines of communication and understanding, identifying ways to make individual and relationship changes, and help you restore trust in your relationship, your marriage or relationship can be strong and healthy again. The foundation is there and has already been laid. We can help you rebuild.
If you and/or your spouse or partner would like to:
Learn to parent together in helping your struggling teen or young adult.
Improve or enhance communication and understanding with one another.
Work to regain trust that has been lost due to actions taken.
Work through learning how to heal from hurt that has been caused by a betrayal of trust.
Rekindle the love and be more than just roommates.
Enhance or increase physical intimacy in addition to emotional connection.
We can help. Our marriage counselors and couples therapists will walk with you every step of the way. Draw on their experience in healing hearts, restoring trust, and strengthening relationships.
What is Holding You Back From Beginning Marriage Counseling or Couples Therapy?
If you are sincere and genuine about wanting to improve your relationship, then marriage counseling and couples therapy is for you.
Keep in mind that while many couples experience similar struggles in their lives, each couple comes to marriage counseling or couples therapy at different stages of motivation.
If you are unsure on whether marriage counseling or couples therapy is for you, we have a suggestion: give three sessions or marriage counseling or couples therapy a chance.
In three sessions, you will likely be able to determine:
if you and/or your spouse or partner are motivated and sincere about working together to better your marriage or relationship.
If you and your spouse or partner are on the road of parenting or co-parenting your struggling teen or young adult together as a united couple.
If both you and your spouse or partner connect with the marriage counselor or couples therapist.
Whether the direction taken by the marriage counselor or couples therapist lends light at the end of the tunnel and hope for your relationship to become strong and healthy again.
Attending three marriage counseling or couples therapy sessions has little downside compared to the potential benefits that it can have for you as an individual, for your marriage or relationship, and for your family overall.
Begin Marriage Counseling or Couples Therapy Today at Katy Teen & Family Counseling
At Katy Teen & Family Counseling, Marriage Counseling and couples therapy can work for you and your spouse or partner. Thinking about starting marriage counseling or couples therapy can seem a little intimidating or daunting at first.
When you take that first step and call to schedule your first marriage counseling and couples therapy session, you will find a kind, understanding, and non-judgmental person on the other end of the line. We are Committed and Devoted to Client Care and that starts on the first phone call.
Located just off of I-10 and 99, our Katy, Tx location of Katy Teen & Family Counseling is conveniently located and easy to get to for those who live in Katy, Tx, Houston, Tx, and the surrounding areas.
To begin your journey in healing hearts, restoring trust, and strengthening your relationship through marriage counseling or couples therapy, all you need to do is follow these three simple steps:
1. Contact Katy Teen & Family Counseling
2. You will speak with one of our marriage counselors or couples therapists.
3. Take the first step in your commitment to a relationship worth saving!
Other Therapy Services Provided by Katy Teen & Family Counseling:
Katy, Tx & Houston
While we provide marriage counseling and couples therapy at Katy Teen & Family Counseling, we also specialize in other emotional and behavioral life struggles and provide the following approaches such as:
Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Teen & Young Adult Therapy for Self-harm
Teen & Young Adult Therapy for Self-esteem and Self-worth
Teen & Young Adult Anger Management Treatment