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group of professionals. Represents the need for teen counseling katy, tx and family therapy in katy tx and houston tx.

Katy Teen & Family Counseling
Vision, Mission & Values


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Vision, Mission & Values Based in Personal & Professional Experience


At Katy Teen & Family Counseling, our vision, mission and values are born out of our personal and professional experiences:


  • We know what it's like to struggle during the teen and young adult years with teen anxiety, teen depression, or other struggles.

  • We understand the heartache, concern, and worry these struggles create among their loving family members.

  • We have seen the impact these struggles can have for teens as they develop into young adults.

  • We have spent our careers as therapist providing teen therapy, counseling for young adults, and family therapy. We can help you overcome these challenges.


Now, during the teen years, is the time to resolve these emotional or behavioral struggles. The weight and burden of adult responsibilities are still years away. Trying to resolve these complicated emotional struggles as a young adult, with adult responsibilities, creates barriers in succeeding as a young adult with an emotional or behavioral challenge.


We can help your teen, young adult, family, and you as a couple resolve those struggles now and prevent the difficulties in the future that these struggles may create.


It is important for us at Katy Teen & Family Counseling, that we are driven and guided by a shared vision, mission, and core set of values that guide us in serving the teens, young adults, families, and couples in the Katy, Tx and Houston area.


Below are our Vision, Mission, & Values that guide our teen therapy, young adult therapy, and family counseling practice:


The Vision of Katy Teen & Family Counseling


Our clients are always the focus in our Vision, Mission, and Values. As we adhere to our core values and provide a safe, comfortable, and confidential environment, this provides the ideal conditions that help facilitate healing.


We help teens, young adults, families, and couples overcome the challenges of today and find healing in their lives. When we help you remove the roadblocks in the way of your happiness and success today, we can help you have a more happy, successful, and promising tomorrow.


The Vision of Katy Teen & Family Counseling

The Mission of Katy Teen & Family Counseling


"Through our Core Values, our Devotion and Commitment to Client Care, and providing a comfortable, confidential, and healing environment, Katy Teen & Family Counseling will be the counseling practice of choice for teens, young adults, families, and couples in providing healing today for a promising tomorrow."


Chalk board with we guide you through every step written. Represents the need for teen counseling katy, tx and counseling for teens. Also represents counseling for families in houston, tx.


Each organization should have a mission statement. A mission statement is the purpose and reason for that particular organization's 'being'. It gives substance, scope, and reason for the work we do.


The mission statement  provides a shared vision for the therapists who provide care for teens, young adults, and families. A mission statement helps tie together the therapists in purpose, intention, and action.  


At Katy Teen & Family Counseling, our mission statement unifies our therapists in the work we do with the teens, young adults, and families we serve. Each therapeutic decision and course taken is driven by our mission. It's a core belief and driving force in our work in helping teens, young adults, and families restore hope, happiness, and connected family relationships.


The mission of Katy Teen & Family Counseling is:

"Providing a healing environment and with experienced clinicians utilizing research supported therapy practices, we help teens, young adults, families, and couples restore hope, happiness, and connected family relationships."


Katy Teen & Family Counseling: 
Core Values

Living Our Values Every Day written. Represents gifted teens katy, tx and teen counseling katy, tx. Also represents counseling for teens and teen counseling in katy, tx and houston, tx.


It is important to us as individuals, as well as teen therapists, young adult therapists, and family counselors, that we strive to live our values in our personal and professional lives. While our mission unifies our therapists in a shared vision, the values are the pillars that support us accomplishing our mission.




Our mission and other values rests on integrity. Integrity is an uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles. We believe in our mission and understand fully the values we hold will help us accomplish our mission.


For us to be effective and successful in "helping teens, young adults, families, and couples restore hope, happiness, and connected family relationships.", our therapists practice an uncompromising adherence to our values. 


The other core values we hold at Katy Teen & Family Counseling rest on the foundation of integrity. Upon that foundation, we hold the following values:


  • Trust

  • Confidentiality

  • Clinical Excellence

  • Empathy & Acceptance

  • Devoted & Committed to Client Care




We cannot over emphasize the importance trust in a therapeutic relationship. The success we have with teens, young adults, and families is directly correlated to the level of trust our clients have with their teen therapist, young adult counselor, and family counselor. The greater the trust we earn, the better outcomes for our teens, young adults, and families.


For us, there are 3 basic elements to therapeutic trust:


 1- Confidentiality 


It takes courage to start the therapy journey. Though it is a journey well worth taking it is not always an easy journey.


There may be things discussed that you have not shared with another person before. Feelings will be experienced. Emotions will be felt. We understand the trust that you have placed in us to help you through a vulnerable and difficult time in your life. We keep our teen's, young adult's, and family's information confidential. 


We do update the parents we work with on the teen's progress in therapy. We encourage our young adults to provide permission to include the parents in updates as well. We will not share any sensitive information without gaining permission from the teen or young adult. In order for us to be effective in helping you, we must build and retain trust. The updates we give are general and we can provide examples in the initial session.


There are some limits to confidentiality. If we suspect that there may be child abuse or that the teen or young adult may hurt themselves or others, we by law, are mandated to report that for safety purposes.  


 2- Authenticity


One innate personality trait therapists have who specialize in working with teens and young adults is authenticity. Those therapists who do not have this trait tend to not las long in working with teens and young adults. Authenticity builds trust. It's challenging to trust someone when you feel they may not be authentic with you.


You will find our teen therapists, young adult therapists, and family counselors at Katy Teen & Family Counseling practice this value. We are experienced therapists and we are people too.


It is possible to be a specialist in teen counseling, young adult counseling, and family therapy, maintain a professional relationship, and be a down to earth, genuine, authentic person.  


Authenticity is one reason we enjoy working with teens, young adults, and families. We get to be ourselves while sharing the expertise we have developed over a career dedicated to helping teens and families. 


3- Genuine Care


There is a reason we have chosen to specialize in working with teens, young adults, and families. We have found that we excel in this area in part due to the genuine care we have for the teens young adults, and families we work with.


Genuine care cannot be faked. Teens, young adults, and parents alike see through faked 'genuine care' and do not trust therapists unless they have genuine care. It is a felt and sensed dynamic in a therapeutic relationship that is a bedrock of trust.


Genuine care is not something that can be explained. It is something that must be experienced. From the very first phone call you make, you will see this value put into action.


You will get a warm, friendly, compassionate person on the other end of the line when you call. We will answer right away. If we are in sessions, we will return your call/text/email before the end of the day. If it's a weekend, we will get back with you first thing Monday morning. 


This may seem a small thing. But we know that those who call us are often in crisis or experiencing high levels of emotional stress. As therapists, who value genuine care, we need to get back to you quickly to relieve some of the emotional stress. 


Clinical Excellence


Clinical excellence refers to the therapy and counseling approaches taken with teens, young adults, and families. This is an important value for us at Katy Teen & Family Counseling. We provide counseling specialties and approaches that have been shown by research to be effective. We also use approaches that can help in the least amount of time possible. 


The therapeutic relationship is a significant element in a teen, young adult, and family's success. A strong therapeutic relationship coupled with counseling and therapeutic approaches that have been shown to work are strong partners in increasing the success rate in teen therapy, counseling for young adults, and family counseling. 


Empathy & Acceptance


This value speaks to the heart of being a teen counselor, young adult therapist, and family therapist. It's important that in teen therapy, young adult counseling, or family counseling, the therapist is able to understand the perspective of the teen, young adult, or family.


The understanding therapists must have needs to be deeper than the intellectual understanding. A felt sense of what the teen, young adult, and family are experiencing is important.


Many people put off going to teen counseling, therapy for young adults, and family therapy due to the concern over judgment or non-acceptance. Therapists, unintentionally, can appear as people who have not had to manage or deal with life's struggles. 


One thing to keep in mind is that therapists are people too. We are not immune to life's problems and our own mistakes. It would be disingenuous to judge a teen, young adult, or family for their struggles when we as therapists have had to face and resolve our own. 


Because we are people too who have had our own journey's to take, this allows us space for empathy, acceptance, and a non-judgmental stance for those we work with. Life can present circumstances that can be challenging in unique and different ways for all of us. Our struggles may be different but we are all on the same lifelong journey of self improvement. 


Devoted & Committed to Client Care


Each therapist holding this value works with each teen, young adult, and family as if they are the only person or family we are working with. It is important to us that our teens, young adults, and families see the commitment we have for them in accomplishing their goals.


We provide high quality care matched with strong commitment for your success. From the first phone call until the conclusion of teen therapy,  young adult therapy, or family counseling, we are devoted and committed to helping restore hope, happiness, and connected family relationships.


Katy Teen & Family Counseling:

Begin Teen Therapy, Young Adult Therapy, & Family Counseling Today


Black family with teen sitting on couch. Represents the need for family counseling katy, tx and counseling for ptsd katy, tx. Also represents the needd for  teen treatment for shame houston, tx.


At Katy Teen & Family Counseling, our mission is to help you, your teen, young adults, families, and couples resolve the struggles you experience. Resolving these struggles today means that your teen or young adult will be able to live to their full potential.


It also means that your teen or young adult will not have to carry these struggles into adulthood where they can become exponentially more complicated. We want to help your teen, young adult, and family clear the path for a successful future. 


There are answers, there is hope, and the struggles don't need to continue. Start today, your teen, young adult, and family's journey in healing and clearing the path for a brighter future.  


Katy Teen & Family Counseling is conveniently located just off of I-10 and 99. It is very easy to get to for those who live in Katy. And, for those in Houston and the surrounding area, it's only minutes away.


Our caring therapists who specialize in teen counseling, counseling for young adults, and family therapy are here for you. To start your counseling journey, you can follow these simple steps:​


  1. Contact Katy Teen & Family Counseling today

  2. Meet with our specialists in teen counseling, young adult therapy, family therapy, & couples therapy

  3. Start your journey toward recovering your happiness and hope for the future. 


Teen Therapy, Young Adult, Family, & Other Services: Katy Teen & Family Counseling


At Katy Teen & Family Counselingwe also offer an array of therapy approaches to help your teen, young adult, and family restore hope, happiness, and connected family relationships. Below are some of the teen therapy, young adult counseling, and family counseling approaches and services we provide:



Vaules Personal & Professional Exprience
Mission of Katy Teen & Family Counseling
Core Values
Genuine Care
Clinical Excellence
Empathy & Acceptance
Devoted & Committed to Client Care
Begin Theapy at Katy Teen & Family Counseling
Teen, Young Adult, Family, & Other Services Provided
The Vision of Katy Teen & Family Counseling
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