Counseling for Young Adults in Katy, Tx & Houston
You were both excited and nervous to start college. However, the life struggles you have been working hard to overcome had different plans for you. This has left you frustrated, self-doubting, and feeling hopeless.
Despite your best efforts, the life struggles continue to interfere with motivation, drive, and happiness.
As a parent, your anxiety is increasing as you are seeing missed opportunities for your young adult.
As a young adult, you may be experiencing a sense of 'differentness' from your friends. They have gone on to college or other activities and you wonder what is holding you back.
You may be unsure of who to turn to. Do you reach out to a teen therapist or to a counselor who works with adults? You seem to have more questions than answers as this stage.
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The Need for Young Adult Therapists in Katy, Tx and Houston

At Katy Teen & Family Counseling, we have talked with many young adults and parents of young adults who do not know where to turn. There may be struggles that need to be addressed through counseling but do you see a therapist who works with adults? A teen therapist? Neither? Both?
As we look at the developmental stages of teens and young adults, we see that adolescence tends to extend into the young adult years. The brain is still in a state of rapid myelination and development. In fact, the young adult brain is not full developed until around age 23 for females. For males, it is closer to age 25.
Though legally adults now, young adults are in many ways like older adolescents in terms of brain development. Their social and emotional development are also in many ways more like teens still than adults. They are thinking on adult levels without the life experience of older adults.
As we specialize in teen therapy and family counseling, we have had more and more young adults and parents of young adults reaching out to us. The underlying drivers of the struggles young adults face are very similar if not the same as teens.
Our teen therapy and family counseling specialists have helped many young adults overcome the obstacles that have been in their way. Life may look different for a teen who is still in High School and a young adult no longer in high school. But a counselor specializing in working with teens is also a counselor specializing in working with young adults.
More and more young adults are struggling with successfully transitioning into adulthood. Yet, there are few therapist who work with or specialize in counseling young adults.
At Katy Teen & Family Counseling, we can help you or your young adult overcome the obstacles so that they can get back on the path, continue their journey, and be successful and happy wherever their journey takes them.
Transition From High School to the Life of a Young Adult
The transition from High School to being a young adult can be challenging. In the blink of an eye, a teen transitions to a young adult and are supposed to know what to do.
Life looks different as a young adult vs. a teen and there is a period of time trying to figure out how to navigate this new world. The stress and pressure can mount and weigh heavily on a young adult.
Teen depression, anxiety, and other emotional struggles have also increased significantly over the past ten years. Struggles like ADHD/ADD are also obstacles that can stand in the way of a young adult's success. Teens tend to not grow out of teen depression, anxiety, ADHD/ADD or other difficulties. In fact, they tend to grow into them as young adults as more pressure and responsibilities are added to their lives.
Young adults are both excited and eager to move onto the next phase and at the same time can feel a little intimidated by the enormity of the task. Add to this emotional or behavioral struggles and the increased pressure and stressors and the obstacles can feel overwhelming.
Common Reasons Young Adults Start Therapy for Young Adults
At Katy Teen & Family Counseling, there are multiple reasons young adults seek a young adult therapist. Below are several of the more common reasons:
You have attempted to attend college but obstacles in your life are preventing you from continuing. The desire to is there but the inner struggles have required a temporary hold on that journey.
You are currently in college but are struggling to maintain your progress due to depression, anxiety, panic attacks, or other struggles.
You are maintaining in college but your anxiety has increased. You really want to enjoy the social aspect of being a young adult in college but when you're in a group of people, you don't feel comfortable and wonder what others may be thinking of you.
ADHD/ADD that was manageable when in High School is rearing it's ugly head in college. You are finding it difficult to remain organized and are forgetting assignments. Grades are slipping and you are doing the best you can.
Maybe you haven't started college yet. Things like depression, anxiety, panic attacks, ADHD/ADD or other challenges have blocked that path (for the time being).
Being a young adult means trying to hone in on you want in life and who you are as an individual. Counseling for young adults is helpful in gaining clarity on these topics and internalizing your direction.
Transitioning from High School to the life of a young adult for those who are neurodiverse can be a challenge. Therapy for young adults can help provide the insight, tools, and skills necessary to thrive as a young adult.
Counseling for Young Adults Can Help Remove the Obstacles

At Katy Teen & Family Counseling, our counselors use therapy approaches that are supported by research. Approaches like:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). One of the most researched therapy approaches effective for depression, anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety, trauma, PTSD, ADHD/ADD and more. A gold standard approach in working with young adults.
Neurofeedback has been shown to be effective for ADHD/ADD, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, trauma, PTSD and more. Neurofeedback has shown to also be effective for those on the spectrum.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an effective approach in treating trauma and PTSD. EMDR has also been shown to be effective for those struggling with depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. Talented teen athletes who may have experienced a mental block have found that EMDR has helped to overcome those blocks.
Along with these approaches, our experienced therapists have helped many young adults overcome the obstacles that have blocked their path. Once the obstacles are removed and skills and tools learned, young adults go on to live their lives free from the grips of the problems that previously kept them stuck.
There is nothing more empowering for a young adult than to know they have met their challenge head on and have overcome. There is nothing more rewarding as a parent than to see your young adult meet these life challenges and succeed!
Sometimes, a little help along the way is needed and that's okay. It's just a part of the human experience.
What May Be Your Obstacles in Starting Young Adult Counseling?
There are many reasons why young adults or parents of young adults may put off starting counseling for young adutls. Some common obstacles that have prevented the start of counseling are:
"I Don't Have Time for Counseling"
Life demands much of our time. We have other duties, responsibilities, and commitments that are difficult enough to fit into a 24 hour day.
At Katy Teen & Family Counseling, there are several factors that we have incorporated into our practice that can help:
We are conveniently located just off of 99 and I-10. We are located about three blocks behind the Academy Sports. For those in Katy, Tx, it is only a couple minute drive. For those in Houston, Tx or the surrounding areas, it is only a minute or two off of 99 and I-10.
We provide both in person and online counseling services. To help cut down on the drive time, you can do counseling from the comfort of your own home with online counseling.
We also have flexible scheduled during the day and appointments available in the evening. We can meet your busy schedule.
"I Can't Afford Counseling"
Cost is a factor in many of our decisions we make in life. There are many things that our hard earned money goes towards to help provide ourselves and/or our family a good life.
Counseling for young adults usually becomes an option after you or your parents have tried everything possible to help yet, the struggles persist. On average, therapy for young adults takes around 4-5 months. Young adult counseling is not a long term endeavor.
Our philosophy at Katy Teen & Family Counseling is geared toward helping teens, young adults, and families to get the help and support they need in the shortest amount of time needed. We do not want to become a permanent fixture in your or your family's life (though we will always be here if needed).
An investment into counseling for 4-5 months may save years of struggle, difficulty, and set backs. Through seeing a young adult therapist, you will be provided the insight, skills, and tools to overcome the barriers that have stood in your way.
Once you have the insight, skills, and tools, you will be equipped to handle what life has to throw at you. This is an investment that can pay dividends the rest of your life for you personally, academically, professionally, and in your relationships.
"Do I Really Need Counseling?"
This can be a challenging thing to determine. It is common to want to figure out our struggles and difficulties ourselves. Doing so is empowering and leaves us with a sense of accomplishment. We enjoy being strong, capable, and independent and the thought of going to therapy may bring up opposite feelings.
When it comes to emotional or behavioral challenges, the nature of the struggle can leave someone resistant to seeking help. Our bodies are hard wired to avoid pain -- it's a survival instinct.
Our emotions are no different and we are hard wired to avoid painful emotions. Thinking about going to a therapist and talking about potentially uncomfortable things is usually not at the top of anyone's "One Thing I'd Really LOVE to Do Today" list!
If you have not participated in teen therapy, family counseling, or counseling for young adults before, there are questions around what therapy will be like. Questions like:
Will I like the therapist and be able to relate and connect with them?
Will they keep what I say confidential or will they tell my parents?
As a parent of a young adults, will we be included and if so, how?
Will the therapist be able to understand what I'm going through when I have difficulty understanding it myself?
Will the therapist be able to understand what I'm going through when I don't know what exactly is causing it?
Ultimately, the question of whether you need therapy is different from person to person. Yet if you have been struggling with difficulties for some time now and they are interfering with your success in life, seeing a therapist can help.
At Katy Teen & Family Counseling, we value honesty and integrity. Should you see one of our therapists for young adults and, in our clinical opinion you may not require therapy, we will tell you. If you have been thinking about seeing a therapist, there is nothing to lose and the world to gain by scheduling an appointment.
Start Meeting With a Young Adult Therapist Today:
Katy, Tx & Houston
At Katy Teen & Family Counseling, we provide counseling for young adults and have helped with a variety of life struggles. Many times, the struggles are not of your own making. Yet the struggles were preventing you from enjoying life and feeling successful as a young adult.
Don't put it off any longer. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will start to experience the benefits of young adult counseling in your life.
We are conveniently located just off of I-10 and 99. Easily accessible for those living in Katy, Tx and Houston. Our young adult therapists are ready to help you.
To start your journey in restoring hope and happiness, you can follow these three simple steps:
1. Contact Katy Teen & Family Counseling.
2. Meet with one of our caring young adult counselors.
3. Take the first step in your therapy journey in regaining hope, happiness, and confidence in building a successful future for yourself.
Other Counseling Services Provided at Katy Teen & Family Counseling: Katy, Tx & Houston
At Katy Teen & Family Counseling, we also provide marriage counseling and couple therapy and therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). We also provide other teen therapy, family therapy, and young adult counseling services in the Katy, Tx and Houston area:
Neurofeedback Therapy:
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
And More . . .
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)
Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR):
Sports Injury Related Anxiety
And more . . .
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Adoption and Attachment
And more . . .
Counseling for Gifted Students:
Neurofeedback Therapy for Increased Mental and Intellectual Peak Performance
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
And More . . .
Therapy for Talented Athletes:
Neurofeedback Therapy for Optimal Brain Performance for Improved Athleticism & Peak Performance
EMDR Treatment for Teen Anxiety Related to Injury
And More . . .